Meet us at ACM Multimedia 2012

We are happy to announce that we are going to attend this year’s ACM Multimedia 2012 (ACMMM’12), Nara, Japan (29. Oct.-2. Nov).

At the ACMMM 2012, we will present our open-source software at the Open-Source Software Competition (OSSC). The title and the abstract of the OSSC paper are:

Title: A Toolset for the Authoring, Simulation, and Rendering of Sensory Experiences
Authors: M. Waltl, B. Rainer, C. Timmerer, H. Hellwagner
This paper describes a toolset for the authoring, simulating, and rendering of multimedia content annotated with Sensory Effect Metadata (SEM) descriptions as specified in Part 3 of the MPEG V standard. This part of MPEG-V standardizes the description of sensory effects (e.g., light, wind) in order to be rendered on sensory devices (e.g., fans, vibration chairs) aiming at generating a sensory experience stimulating possibly all human senses. Our implementation comprises a toolset to author sensory effects associated with multimedia content and the simulation thereof. Furthermore, it includes a library, a standalone player, and a Web browser plug-in which enables the playback and rendering of sensory effects on off-the-shelf rendering devices and in various contexts. All software modules are available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3 and the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v3 respectively.

Looking forward to seeing you in Nara.

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